Alan Shaw: “What do customers need from railroads? Two words: Reliable. Service.”

Making it happen isn’t just our priority, it’s our privilege

On January 18, 2023, Norfolk Southern President and CEO Alan Shaw participated in a “fireside chat” with Adriene Bailey, Partner at Oliver Wyman’s Transportation practice, at the Midwest Association of Rail Shippers’ winter meeting in Chicago, Illinois.  

As featured on, the conversation centered around their joint passion for rail as well as a shared belief that a healthy organization listens to its customers, responds to its customers, and adjusts to its customers.  

“We’ve adjusted in a big way, and announced our new customer-centric, operations-driven strategy during our recent Investor Day,” reflected Shaw after the event on his LinkedIn. “We’re committed to making service an enduring competitive advantage and becoming more resilient through economic downturns. We want our customers to have the confidence to build rail service into their supply chains. Making it happen isn’t just our priority, it’s our privilege.”