Craft Railroaders and Leadership Discuss Safety in Ohio

Statewide engagement designed to solicit crew member feedback on safety.

We want our craft teammates to know they have a voice—and we want them to speak up. We are committed to acting upon their feedback. Meeting our teams where they are and listening to their perspectives about safety is one way that we will ensure that all our railroaders return home in the same condition as when they came to work.

On March 21, 13 teams of leaders divided up to visit 28 of our locations across the state of Ohio. During these visits, leaders met with our team at the ballast line to discuss their safety thoughts, questions, and ideas.

“Throughout the territory, our railroaders provided valuable feedback on how we can enhance our safety culture at Norfolk Southern,” said Paul Duncan, Chief Operating Officer. “My leadership team and I will be following up on the comments and ideas we received and will be taking action.”

Adds John Fleps, VP Safety: “We want our team in the field to have an authentic opportunity to get their thoughts and ideas on the table. The leadership team is going to be out there, across the network where the work is getting done, to help solve problems in real time and act quickly. We have an incredible team of professionals at Norfolk Southern. They know what it takes to get the job done safely and efficiently, and it takes all of us to set the table for success.”

This effort is just only one component of our comprehensive actions to enhance our safety culture at Norfolk Southern.

Leadership met with crew members across Ohio on March 21.