From the Ballast Line: Paul Duncan on service

Paul Duncan, Norfolk Southern’s Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, and our entire Operations team are focused on delivering safer, more reliable, and resilient service.  

Here’s what he had to say:

Providing a balanced approach

This year, we’ve taken a Team of Teams approach to service, and we’ve seen improvements in intermodal, merchandise, and our bulk network.

Our approach to a balance between service, productivity, and growth is going to drive long-term value with our customers. It is through that value and that service that we know we are going to grow together into the future.

Safely delivering on service to our customers

We want our customers to know that our vision is to safely deliver reliable and resilient service. We are seeing reliability in our service improve as we continue to drive towards long-term resiliency.

Norfolk Southern customers can know that they can count on our service moving forward.