Grants on Track: Conover Fire Department enhances safety with vital equipment

Grant powers critical upgrades

As part of our ongoing "Grants on Track" series, this month Norfolk Southern is recognizing the Conover Fire Department, a two-time grant recipient committed to enhancing firefighter safety and protection. In 2023, the Conover Fire Department, located in Conover, NC, received a $15,115 grant as part of Norfolk Southern’s Safety First grant program to purchase three Scott RIT Packs and three air cylinders. The specialized self-contained breathing apparatuses (SCBA) are essential tools designed for emergency response, that ensure firefighters are protected in hazardous environments, offering critical air supply in situations where every second counts.

This investment in safety will serve the department for many years, enhancing not only firefighter protection but also improving the survival chances of those being rescued from dangerous conditions. The department is currently in the process of training its members to use the new equipment. Once the training is complete, the SCBA units will be officially placed into service, ready to safeguard the firefighters and community alike.

Building on their progress, the Conover Fire Department reapplied for a second grant this year and was awarded $8,800. This additional funding will go toward the purchase and installation of a specialized firefighter turnout gear washer. Designed specifically to decontaminate gear by removing carcinogens, soot, and other hazardous materials accumulated during firefighting, the washer addresses one of the most critical health risks firefighters face—occupational cancer. With the new washer, the department can effectively replace its outdated, 15-year-old equipment, which has become inefficient and unable to properly decontaminate gear. By ensuring proper cleaning of firefighting gear, the new washer will significantly reduce cancer risks for firefighters, helping protect them from long-term health hazards.

"On behalf of the Conover Fire Department, we extend our deepest gratitude to Norfolk Southern for their generous grant funding,” said Fire Chief Mark R. Stafford. “This support has significantly enhanced our capability to serve and protect our community, allowing us to invest in essential equipment and training that directly impacts our effectiveness and readiness.

He continued, “We are truly thankful for this partnership and its profound impact on our mission."

Norfolk Southern is proud to support the Conover Fire Department in its mission to protect both its firefighters and the community.

Don’t forget, applications for our Safety First and Thriving Communities grant programs are open through October 1, 2024. For more information and to apply for a grant, click here.